We are not recommending an insurance policy for you , or providing a liability quote comparison service, or providing any other financial advice to you.
We are providing general information on the policies that form the ContractorCover programme which you have applied to obtain a quote on.
We have indicated optional extras that you may wish to include but this does not constitute a personal risk assessment nor should be interpreted as such.
The information that we will provide to you will be prepared on the basis of this declaration and without consideration for your personal circumstances, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on any information provided, you should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard for your personal circumstances, financial situation or needs.
We will always forward to you a copy of the insurance offer directly obtained from the insurer of this ContractorCover programme along with the policy applicable policy wordings and you should read the insurer's offer, policy documents and policy wording to determine whether you wish to obtain financial advice from us before making any decision about whether to acquire the policy, which is a financial product.
If you are acquiring this insurance to meet your contractual obligations with your client and/or agency, you should seek legal advice on the policy response in conjunction with your contractual liability. The information on this website is intended for the purposes of an overview of the policies on offer under the ContractorCover programme. This is not, nor should it be interpreted as advice, recommendation or opinion as to the suitability of this programme for you. Only on written request by you, will we provide insurance advice as it relates to the insurance and indemnity clauses of your contract with your client and/or agency. We will advise you if any charge will apply to this service.
As shown on our website, we will charge a platform fee of $130 plus GST for administering this portal and the policies arranged. This fee relates to the delivery of the ContractorCover quote, invoice, policy documentation including wordings and schedules and the maintenance of the technology platform.
If you elect to pay your premium by monthly instalments, you will be charged an instalment administration charge along with finance and interest charges and this information will appear on your invoice.
If you pay by credit card, you will be charged a credit card handling fee. This fee covers the cost of bank charges associated with a credit card facility.